Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Cookie Artist

Last week Raleigh invited her buddies over for a playdate to decorate cookies and do a little art project. It was a lot of fun and so nice to see some friends that we haven't in a while! Raleigh absolutely loved decorating the cookies...she was all business too...she painted the cookies, picked the sprinkles she wanted...and then didn't even eat the cookies! Here's are a couple of my favorite pictures. -M

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Portrait Party Host

Courtney was the gorgeous host of the party! You may recognizer her adorable little man as Bam Bam from my Halloween sessions!! Here are a few pictures of her and her family! Thank you so much Courtney, it was a lot of fun! -M

Christmas Portrait Party Part II

Christmas Portrait Party Part III

Christmas Portrait Party

Last weekend I had the pleasure of doing a portrait party as part of a client's family christmas party. It was quite a whirlwind with so many people....but a lot of fun. Here is part one of the teaser pictures! -M

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Two little ladies

The other day my good friend Leah brought her beautiful girls over for a few pictures! I've known these girls all their lives and can't believe how much they've grown up. Um...and how cute are they? Enjoy! ~M