Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Beautiful Family

John and Stephanie are the proud parents of Jack and Ethan (who you've seen on here on multiple occasions)! Last weekend we went to Poole's Mill, in Cumming, to take some family pictures. With a bit of bribery and some running around...we managed to get Mr. Jack to sit still for a couple shots!! Here is a little peak at some of the pictures! -M

A gorgeous Mother & Daughter

How beautiful are these ladies? Last weekend I met Tina and her daughter at the park and had such a great time hanging out with them! It was fun to get a little peak at what I have in store for me a few years down the road...I can only hope my daughter and I will have the wonderful relationship I saw between these two! -M

Thursday, November 6, 2008


How cute is this little lady! I am waaaay late on these teaser pictures...but here they are...

This past month has been incredible. Busy, Busy, Busy, Busy!!! I always do my best to have your portrait session images to you within two weeks. I am running a couple days over right now, but believe me, I am burning the midnight oil working on your pictures. My family and I are going out of town for 2 weeks soon and it is my (perhaps ridiculous) goal to be completely caught up with all work by this this point, I'm not feeling terribly confident in this goal!!!

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary Honey, I love you :)

More teasers to come soon...but for now, back to work :)!! -M