Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Welcome to 519 Photography The Blog!!! Last week we launched our website and it is with great pleasure that we launch our blog! So, I am going to start by telling you a little about who we are.

519 Photography is the working passion of myself and my husband, Richard. We met at a picnic in May 2004. We were engaged after 7 months and married 11 months after that! We bought our first home in February of 2007 and in May welcomed into our lives the person that made us a family, Raleigh Elizabeth. Since her birth, my love for photography has grown almost as quickly as she has. At first she was the primary target...then her friends, then her friends families, then friends of her friends...and so it began! MW Photography was launched almost a year ago and has been a beautiful and rewarding experience for me. Richard has gotten the itch and decided he can't stay out of it any he is now joining me!

We love our Family, our friends and each other. We value the comforts of a casual 'lived in' life. Our photography style is reflective of our personal values. We are casual, laid back and strive to capture the essence of each of our clients.

Our blog will be updated regularly with 'teaser' pictures from recent sessions, Specials, announcements...and the occasional bit of semi-interesting personal information :)I'm pretty good about updating...if I'm not...feel free to bug me and demand some updates :)!!!

Let's see where this ride takes us!!

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